Dementium steam download
Dementium steam download

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It had taken Watsham more than 15 years to go from staff writer for the The One, a UK-based print magazine focused on Amiga and Atari ST games, to co-owner of his own game development company. Gamecock’s failure didn’t stop Renegade Kid, though.

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Dementium: The Ward was one of the few titles the company launched before they were acquired by SouthPeak Interactive and the remainder of the Gamecock portfolio was unceremoniously launched, including Red Fly Studio’s woefully under-marketed Wii gem, Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars. Unfortunately, the floor fell out on Gamecock quickly.

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"Our mission was simple: We felt like there was a void for original games from independent developers," Gamecock Co-founder Mike Wilson said in an interview with last year. They let developers more or less run the show, owning their own IPs and being a lot more involved in the full process of marketing and promotion. Gamecock was a paragon in the world of publisher dominance. “In many ways they mirrored what Renegade Kid is about, which is having fun while making fun.” “We decided to go with Gamecock because they were experienced, passionate, and exciting,” Watsham said. The company’s inaugural press release trumpeted the qualities of the game, as Watsham and Hargrove talked of how the title pushed the DS to the limits.ĭementium attracted numerous publishers, but the young company settled on upstart publisher Gamecock. The horror-themed DS first-person shooter, which drew inspiration from series such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil, was the company’s first game, and at GDC 2007, nearly five years ago, it was on display for many publishers. The seemingly auspicious Monday was the day that Renegade Kid, headed up by video game veterans Jools Watsham and Gregg Hargrove, revealed The Ward, which would later become known as Dementium: The Ward.

Dementium steam download